Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Veggin'


     After a long night of working and studying, I finally took my first "quiz" here-- it was for High Renaissance Art. I have no idea how it went- it was only 15 open essay questions but there was so much elaborating to be done. We were given on a slide show 5 pictures in which we had to write what it was, where it is currently located, who made it, the type of medium, the year it was created, and just a fun fact about why the piece is important (we had about 40 different pieces on our study guide). Can you say ROUGH?! I can! The remaining questions were about different art techniques and the importance of the different mediums. It's thankfully all over now, I just have to sit and wait for my grade... AHH! 
     Since our test was at 8, and I couldn't go back to bed, I decided to go for my first run in Roma. It was absolutely great!!! It was by far on of the most peaceful runs, well besides the beach of course, that I've ever been on. Since there was such a change in scenery, it felt like I ran so much less than what I actually did. I ran a little less than 2 miles in about 20 minutes-- hey I'll take it!! I have to start getting ready for my Half Marathon in May!!!! The only bad thing is that our air has been shut off, so I feel like I just make gravy all of the time here (EW, I know). 
      Today is just a relaxing homework type of day-- something that I totes need!! I have a presentation on St. Mary Magdalen this Tursday so I'm working on getting that all finished up hopefully by the end of the night. I'm at the front desk 'working' now- easiest and best job ever!!! That's about all I have for today, folks. 


Ky xx 


  1. So happy that you enjoyed Florence and the artwork. Also, very good to hear that you are enjoying Liz Lev's expertise in addition to her academic demands. Finally, I enjoyed seeing photos from the other side of Italy as we never made our way over to the Adriatic side. You are right about never choosing to go to some of these smaller towns but, simultaneously, finding something endearing about each one.

    We will stay tuned!

    1. Hi Sue! I am so glad you are reading the blog and enjoying it! I am having such a great time. I also refer to all of your travel advice and places to visit all of the time- it is so helpful!!! The map Streetwise map of Rome was a great purchase, too! Thanks for everything! Enjoy! Tell everybody I said hello!!!! :-)
