Monday, September 10, 2012


This was the first day we arrived in Roma. We are in Vatican City in St. Peter's Square:

The Picture all of the on the right is where the Pope lives. He comes out everyday at Noon to give a blessing from his window. Below is Allese and I in front of the church where mass is given. It is open to the public to go inside, sometimes the line is so incredible that the streets become roped off.

Fantastico wine and pizza for our first Italian Meal!

Below is just some of the amazing statues in Roma-- Some are churches. It is just the most amazing feeling looking up, in front, and to the sides of yourself and seeing these amazing pieces of art just in the middle of the city.

Below: Santa Susanna Church which held the Duquesne Student Mass

Winery in the basement where we ate after mass

 Only the best quiche/pizza I've ever had in my entire life (at dinner of course)

Vittorio Emanuelle II Monument

The city of Roma!!!!

The Colosseum


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