Monday, September 24, 2012

Forgotten Italy Weekend: Polignano a Mare


     I will do a couple of different posts about this weekend just because we did a lot of traveling. The excursion this weekend was titled "Forgotten Italy" and the name absolutely made sense, at least for me. I would never instantly think to visit Polignano a Mare, Lecce, Castellana, and the many other places we visited hence the excursion name. We headed out for our 6 hour bus ride Thursday afternoon and arrived around dinner time in Polignano a Mare- which is the south east of Italy (on the Adriatic Sea side). Our hotel was a 4 star hotel called Pietra Blu Resport, and it was absolutely breathtaking! Take a look:

My view from outside my window... GORGEOUS!

The pool which is absolutely beautiful! I laid out but never went in because it was absolutely freezing!

The Adriatic Sea!

Since it was a resort, we were separated from everything else- including reality! The people here were so friendly, many of which spoke English. They had a great night scene with all of their younger workers-- they all taught us how to "dance".. just imagine LOL! 
     Friday during the day, we went to Lecce- which is one of the southern most points of Italy. We had Daniela Lopez, a born and raised local, tour us around her hometown. The town was incredibly small, but filled with lots of shops, basilicas, caffes, and even a università! It was so peaceful. While we were there, Red Bull was filming a variety of tourists for their upcoming soccer talents tour.. it was SO COOL!!!! These young guys were doing all of these insane soccer tricks (I'm going to try and upload a video but I don't know if it will work). There isn't much else to say about Lecce, so enjoy the pics!

The guy below is a famous craftsman in all of Italy. He makes paper mâché figurines. We were lucky enough to get to see him in the action. He starts by using a layer of hay, ties string around it for positioning, goes to town on the paper mâché, and then finishes by painting the statue. It was so neat!

     The pictures are from all around Lecce. Like I already said, it is a beautiful city. We had an excellent time there, but we couldn't stay there forever. Our next stop (and blog post) is all about Castellana, Alberobello, and Matera (The Caves!)

Ky xx

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