Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Miracle Mozzarella in Paestum!


     And it continues to Sunday, our last day of this beautiful Southern Italy excursion. We started the morning going to a Buffalo Mozzarella Farm-- sounds crazy, right? It was so cool! The buffalo are not what we think of as buffalo-- they are water buffalo. The purpose for the females is to give milk to produce delicious food; after 15 years, they are sent to the slaughterhouse (nothing is wasted- their body obviously is meat and their skin is turned into leather goods). These buffalo are pampered more than some of us! They have 2 hours of classical music time, they have a massage station, a food station, and everything else. The buffalo each have a chip (very high tech); this chip records how many liters of milk the buffalo produced so far in the day, each should produce 7 liters... this method is how each buffalo knows what they should should be doing during the day. Take a look!

 Massage Area!

 Milking Machine!

Some fresh Pomegranates on the tree!

Only the best mozzarella I've ever had in my life! The right side is yogurt- YUM!!!!
The farm only sells to local families and to people who come to the the farm itself. They do not supply for any hotels or restaurants. After 24 hours of the mozzarella or any product being completed, the workers consider the food not good any more (so everything must be consumed within the day for their idea of fresh!) Just think that when we get our mozzarella, it is far from being produced within the past 24 hours. That was only our first stop in Paestum; Next: the Greek Temples!

Fun fact about Greek Temples: People didn't actually go in the temples. For ceremonies, they sat outside across from the temples. Inside were statues of the Greek God or Goddess to whom the Temple was dedicated. It was a little rainy during our tour, but here are the three temples present in Paestum (some of the only standing Greek Temples in the world-- compared to the Temples still in Greece).

The Temple of Athena 500-510 BCE

The Temple of Hera II 450 BCE

The Temple of Hera I 550 BCE

Here is the pool-- Based off to the Goddess known to the Romans as Venus
Here is what is thought to be the pool-- It was build for the Goddess Venus (known to the Romans)

Well I have to say that about sums up our weekend excursion. We got home right in time for dinner and mass. It seems like I just arrived yesterday, but in reality it has already been a month. Where has the time gone?! Happy October all!


Ky xx

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