Sunday, November 25, 2012

Quick Update

Hello All!!

It has been weeks since I've had a post... I know. I still have to write about my travels to Barcelona, Northern Italy (Tuscany), and then the other fun things that have been happening around Roma! I don't know when I will get around to the posts considering we are in finals week, but they will get done at some point! I definitely don't want to leave this amazing place, but I am so ready to come home and visit all of my friends and family (8 DAYS!!!!). As my journey is coming to a close, I feel like my life has just started!! I hope everyone has a glorious day- as well as you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving (I know I have so much to be thankful for). Hope to talk to you soon!

Ciao Ciao

Ky xx

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Continuing my time in Italy- Venezia (Venice)


As much as I loved Paris and London, it was time for me to return back to Italy and check out some new places! We ventured to Venezia, we know it as Venice, for a couple of days before our Fall Break ended. The only transportation to get to the different islands as well as through the islands is on a boat. There are only few cars around and buses, but basically everyone has their own boat- SO COOL! Unfortunately it absolutely down poured both days we had in the city, but we still made the best of it! Venice is known for its Murano glass, which, if you've never seen before, is awesome. Everywhere you looked was a store filled with these glass gifts. The islands of Venice were all so incredibly small, you could walk from end to end in about 20 minutes, which was great for us considering the amount of time we had there. Of course we went on a gondola tour- what is Venice without one?! It was great fun! I absolutely loved talking to the driver who was impeccably interesting. He showed us everything there was to see: the school, the library, the old casino, Marco Polo's house, and so much more. He also explained the water levels; for about 6 hours in the day, the water rises so high that transportation is nearly impossible (because you can't go under the bridges). At this time everyone has their rain boots on and even plastic bags over their feet!! Floods there are definitely not unheard of! The driver also told me that there was a marathon the following week-- A MARATHON 26.2 MILES in VENICE! That was so great to hear, who would ever think there would be a marathon in Venice?! Coincidently the following weekend while I was at the airport, I met a guy from New York who ran in the Venice marathon! He said he had a great time traveling, but the actual race itself was pretty rough (which makes sense because running in the rain or all around water would not be all that great). I think I covered the major points of Venice, so here are some pictures: ENJOY!

Gondola Tour! Woo!

Venice was such a small city compared to Paris and London, but it was a great way to end fall break. Even though it was not my favorite, Venice is definitely a "must see" while in Italy. It has so much to offer that the other cities don't have. Getting around strictly on boats was frustrating at times because it took forever to do anything (and yes, it did make me nauseous) but it's all part of the experience! 

We got home late saturday night, just in time for the Pope's mass on Sunday morning. Even before I made it to my room, though, I got a FLAT STANLEY in the mail!!!!!! Woo! I was so incredibly excited! For those of you who don't know Flat Stanley, it's a book where Stanley gets flattened and ends up traveling the world. Many elementary schools have a project to learn about geography; they make their own Stanley and send it out to people, which in theory keeps getting sent to different people,  but also a postcard and goods get sent back to the elementary school. I still have Stanley, but he is getting ready to get shipped off to another person! It was great fun. Anyways, mass on Sunday with the Pope was by far one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. He first was in St. Peter's Basilica with all different priests, bishops, cardinals, and just very important people. As they came outside for mass, the Pope went upstairs to his window from where he spoke. Pope Benedict did each part of mass in a different language; when he would start a new language all of the people from that country would cheer! Almost every language he spoke was perfect, well his English was kind of mumbled- I still understood it though. After he was done, he simply waved and went back into his room. The massive amounts of people was incredible, but not fun to deal with after mass! I hope to get back to another mass or blessing before I leave, because it was just so magical! Oh! While we were waiting outside, there was a nasty ginormous black cloud, but just as Pope Benny was coming out, it went away! It was just amazing!

Hanging at St. Peter's Basilica

The Pope's Window!

I was not even home for a full five days before I departed again for the weekend. Thursday morning I left for Barcelona-- Ayeyeyeye! I can't wait to write all about it!

Molto Amore,

Ky xx

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Absolutely LOVING the LONDON LIFE!!!!

Hello!!!! (Now that it is completely acceptable!)

I just have to start out by saying London was my absolute favorite place I have visited- BY FAR! I knew this the moment I stepped out of the train and onto platform 9 3/4 (LOL just kidding! it was platform 5). Everything was wonderfully fantastic starting from their lingo to how clean the city was to the friendliness of everyone and more! It was a whole new atmosphere and I could understand everyone! We arrived in London around 9 AM and checked right into the hostel about a 5 minute walk from the train station. When we were checking in, they told us we were in a 16 person room- WHAT?! I know I almost shed a tear, but I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life! I got to meet so many different and young people all exploring the world and to gain a different perspective on life. One morning while at breakfast I talked to a German man, in his mid twenties, simply about the world and our lives. He was a foreign exchange student who lived in Texas for a year, and while there he travel all of the mid- US. He spoke seven different languages and was just on a little weekend trip. I told him everywhere I've visited and about school. One of the more interesting topics that came up was how the schooling in the US and Europe is so different. In the US after graduating high school many do not think twice about college, we just go. And once we have that first degree, we tend to continue our studies in graduate school; so ultimately we aren't completely finished with school until our mid to late twenties. The Europeans have an "off" year. This is the year between high school and college and they all just travel!!! It is uncommon for students to not engage and fully participate in this traveling year. I told this incredibly interesting fella that I will still be in school for at least 3 more years and he couldn't believe it! I met another kid, also from Germany, who was living in the hostel and interviewing for internships! Could you imagine what life would be like if that were the case?! It is just a completely different lifestyle and I love it!
Ok so enough with the people and onto the sights!!

BIG BEN! It was incredible. We walked right out of the metro and BAM- there it was! Of course I needed a picture with the towel, too!

 Big Ben & Parliment 

 Westminster Abbey!
THE LONDON EYE! (different views from the top)

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre!

The London Bridge!

My delicious Fish & Chips with Beer
I could eat this every day!

Happy Fall!


 Harrods Department Store!!! I got lost and spend hours here, it was perfectly brilliant! Also I had some fantastic cupcakes! YUM!

Call me, maybe!

Just hanging by the Eye!
Right before we left, I got a Starbucks and
scratchy ticket. Perfect ending!

 London was not just about sight seeing, but the atmosphere was definitely a huge part of the phenomenal experience. One of my favorites was the lingo. Instead of signs saying "exit" they simply said "way out"! The Brits use the term Cheers for everything!!!! I moved to the side of the escalator so a guy could pass and his response was indeed "Cheers" -- How lovely! There was a younger vibe everywhere through town, and many different hipster caffe's all around to grab a bite to EAT (my favorite one was ironically called EAT). The style was brilliant-- lots of fur vests and scarves, how perfect! Even the train station was fun! There were just pianos everywhere for people to sit down and enjoy a quick little tune while waiting. As you can tell I loved every minute of London, and I can not wait to go back sometime soon! Until then I will continue to enjoy life!

Happy Day!

Ky xx